1.Is it possible to have a request type by which we can change
the validity period of a user?
If possible, then what are the actions?

Answer Posted / praveen

Hi, friends i can send some Grc Question plz send Answers.

4. What's the latest Support Pack for GRC 5.3? How it
differs from the previous one?

5. What are the issues faced by you in ERM & CUP after

6. Can we change Single roles, objects & Profile description
through mass maintenance of role? If yes, how?

7. What are the prerequisites for creating a workflow for
user provisioning?

8. How will you control GRC system if you have multiple
rulesets activated?

9. Can we view the changes of a role, happened in PFCG,
through GRC?

10. How will you mitigate a user against an authorization
object which is decided as sensitive by Business?

11. Give an example of SOD with object level control & also
decide the Risk implication from the Technical standpoint.

12. Is it possible to assign two roles with different
validity period to a user in one shot throughGRC? If yes,

13. What's the use of Detour path? How Fork path differs
from Detour path?

14. How can you enable self password reset facility in GRC?

15. Can we have customized actions for creating request
types in CUP?

16. Which SOX rules got inherited in SAP GRC?

17. How many types of Background job you are familiar with?
Why Role/Profile & User Sync. job is required?

18. Where from can we change the default expiration time for
mitigating controls? What's the default value for the same?

19. How will you do the mass import of role in GRC?

20. Explain the total configuration & utility of SPM?

21. Can we create Logical systems in GRC? If yes, how & what
can be the advantages & disadvantages of the same?

22. Can we have different set of number ranges activated for
request generation?

23. Explain, how can we create derived roles in ERM? What
will be the significant changes in methodology for creating
composite roles?

24. Explain in detail how the different components of the
Access Controls suite integrate with each other

25.Explain the key problem areas in implementation of RAR

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