what is the Descriptive Progarmming? how it is help to
testers in QTP?

Answer Posted / murali raju

without using object repository...we can able to run the
scripts using descriptive programming..whenever object
properties are changed,or objects are not recognized
properly..and object repostiroy size will increase..that's
the reason we write descriptive programming..just we add
the properties in our scripting..if u want how to write
descritptive progrmming ...then i will explaing later..

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Hi, While recording a Jave based web application, its recording all my actions and the objects.And I have 5 WebEdit objects on the page and all are recorded. But while execution, at the 2 WebEdit object, its entering the value into the object (Its making a call to the AJAX, matching the value), when the control get out of this object the value is erased or cleared. Could anyone please help. I have recoreded 5 more scenarios where WebEdit is in the picture on different webpages and all are working fine. Here is my Script: Browser("Sign In").Page("Matching Workbench_3").WebEdit ("locationLookup").Set "0320 - SEATTLE-KM" Browser("Sign In").Page("Matching Workbench_3").WebEdit ("supplierNameLookup").Set "TRAMMO PETROLEUM INC" *** SupplierNameLookup is the object, which is haing an issue. And also I was using the SendString function, but it didnt work.