select * from emp where sal in(select max(sal) from emp)
here there is any limit for in operator how many values
accpect ?
Answer Posted / ashwin
if emp table is containing 8 rows and out of which 2 rows
are having highest salary out of 8 rows then 2 rows will be
the emp table is given below
sql>select * from emp;
1 1 ram manager 2 1/6/1985 21500.00 2000.00 20
2 2 ankush clerk 2 2/6/1983 30000.00 1000.00 30
3 3 satish sweeper 3 6/12/1987 20000.00 3000.00 30
4 4 clark manager 4 7/15/1967 14000.00 2000.00 40
5 5 richard dba 5 2/9/1995 30000.00 2000.00 50
6 7 monty sweeper 7 1/12/1987 20000.00 3000.00 30
7 8 ganesh sweeper 8 1/12/1988 2000.00 500.00 20
8 9 ganesh manager 9 2/12/1988 20000.00 500.00 30
sql>select * from emp where sal in(select max(sal) from emp;
2 ankush clerk 2 2/6/1983 30000.00 1000.00 30
5 richard dba 5 2/9/1995 30000.00 2000.00 50
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