wht is release management . did the tester will involve in
the release management

Answer Posted / ankur jain

Release management is a procedure to handle the entire release which includes listing out new items included in the release, bug fixes new release will carry and above all ensuring that all previous functionalities of the project is working as per expectations with any regression due to new features or bug fixes.

It includes management/planning of deadlines which are set for every individual change to be made to the project and following on those deadlines so that the final release can be sent on the date specified to the client.

A Tester is not directly involved in the release management however, inputs from testers or testing team is important as that will ensure the current state of the features that are getting released also, their input will help in ensuring that the commitments made in the release notes have been validated and verified. Additionally, they take care of stuff which is not yet fixed or to be fixed which should go as current limitation in release notes.

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