Very Important Note for all the Testers!!! As the S/w Boom
is getting considerably decreased...

Answer Posted / dhana

patrick, i think u r big stupid, ediate, what u think we r the responsible to giv client quality software, without tester there is no it industry, software should fail, dont foolish others, testing is key factor in it industry like central buero of investigation, we r investigate defects, rectify errors, testers are like cbi in it field. without testing s/w
should fail, r u big cheeter, guys who are try testing field all the best, dont believe this foolish ideas, testing is my life, my god. my mother , father, . all is my lfe testing, patrick saale what u think, u have mind, blodyful, nonsense, what u think raasckel , go go u wont try testing field, u have no rights to spoke testing.


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