How ASP and ASP.NET page works.

Answer Posted / justlogin

When a web browser requests a page from a web server, the
web server (IIS) will first check if the request is for an
HTML page. If it is, the request is fulfilled by fetching
the files from the OS and then returning it to the client
(web browser). If the client is requesting an ASP.NET page,
IIS will pass the request to the ASP.NET runtime, which will
then process the application and return the output to the
ASP.NET pages use the .aspx extension. This is to ensure
that ASP.NET is able to run side by side with classic ASP on
the same server, which uses the extension .asp.
One of the inherent problems with the HTTP protocol is its
stateless nature. Put simply, a request made by a user is
loaded into memory, fulfilled, and then unloaded. Subsequent
requests by the same user are treated just like any request;
the server makes no attempt to remember what the user has
previously requested. This stateless nature makes writing
web applications a challenge, because the application
developer must explicitly devise mechanisms to enable the
server to remember the previous state of the application.
Several mechanisms have been devised over the years, such as
cookies and the use of query strings for passing information
to and from the server and the client.
In classic ASP, you typically need to write pages of code in
order to preserve the state of the page after the user has
posted a value back to the server. In ASP.NET, all of these
mundane tasks (collectively known as state management) are
accomplished by the ASP.NET runtime. You will learn more on
this in the following sections.

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