Tell the significance/ Importance of Number assignment in
your Sales Document types? Do you use more of internal
number or external number assignment for your client? What
is the use of Item increment & sub item increment? Give
detailed explanation regarding number assignment of Sales
order types? Please reply asap... Urgent!!!! Waiting for
your response eagerly... Thanks in advance

Answer Posted / subha

number assigment are nothing but the process by which the
system specifes as to how the documents must be recognised
and numberd during sales doc processign . They are
controlled by the account assigmentgrop of customer in sap
sd and account assignemtn grp of materila in mm

IT IS Mostly client specfic .ie. if th client is a old
customer than weuse more of internal no assignemtn and if
the client is New that we use extrnal or mannual assigment

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