What are the element naming conventions in XML ?

Answer Posted / g.h

The naming conventions for XML tags depend entirely on the
context in which XML is deployed. Every company, project or
collective may choose their own naming conventions. One of
the chief advantages of XML as a format is that it is
descriptive and names are chosen by whoever creates an
XML-based format.

The conventions are probably best inherited from the problem
domain for which XML is used. Say that we're modelling a
Java object in XML. If we try to mimic the structure of the
Java class as closely as possible, including field names,
then the logical choice would be the Java naming conventions.
If on the other hand we're using XML to represent a database
resultset, and columns are represented by XML tags with the
column names enclosing the column value as text, then the
best choice would be to stick to the naming conventions for
the database system.

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