what is XSLT?

Answer Posted / g.h

"XSLT" stands for eXtensible Stylesheet Language
Transformations. It is one of the parts of the XSL standard,
along with XSL-FO (Formatting Objects) and XPath.

XSLT is used to transform XML documents into some other
form. One output form is XML. This means XSLT can be used to
generate a document in any XML-based language.
It can also be used to generate HTML, in which case the less
strict markup rules of HTML are used. So XSLT can be used to
create a web page, or part thereof, from an XML document.
Plain text is also a possibility, so basically XSLT can
transform XML documents into any textual form.

Current implementation versions are 1.0 and 2.0. The newer
2.0 standard has extended functionality, making the
stylesheets written in it less verbose.

XSLT works primarily through the concept of templates. For
each node in the XML input, a matching template is sought.
The templates are matched based on XPath expressions. Then,
the template is executed with that node as context.

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