Answer Posted / surbhi awasthi

I called chandigarh recruitment cell, they tell that result
will be finallised by mumbai SBI and first week of August
is the
tentative date of final result.

you can also try @ 01724567314

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Hi dis is sri guru n i hav cleared oriental bank of commerce written exam held on 27 dec 2009 n am general candidate the interview will starts on 17 may till now i had not yet recvd d mail or call letter abt interview.wen they vl com? wt r d questions askd particularly in dat bank ,wt should i wan 2 prepare for interview?


Hi guys and girls...... As discussed earlier reg SBI clerical exp and ques, now its time to discuss about the date of results ........ so lets start.......... i ll start off...... any one came to know about the date of results ?????? SBI 11000 clerks


i m b.com(h) graduate and i have only school and gazatted officer character certificate .i have no college character certificate.what i do


In original biodata form identity certificate is there.we have to sign it by gazetted officer on original biodata form?


main problems of indian rural areas?


what is bank crisis?


Has anybody who has been selected as SBI CLERICAL in the April interview against 11000 posts recieved appointment letter or any other letter from the bank? plz let us know.


please share interviews question of sbi dated between 26th april to 10th may


what are the business that will be undertaken by the banks that all ?


will duplicate certificate is accepted by bank in case of loss of original certificate of class 12 cbse in interview


The aspirants for SBI CLERK (exam held on 2009 November) Share your views here? ATUL KASHIPUR (UTTRAKHAND)


hi...this is mrigendra from delhi,,,,i have already applied for sbi clerk cadre...but my graduation completed in 2012,,,m i existing certification criteria?... any body please if u know ....urgent


me: (may i come in) good evening sirs, good evening mam.(with a smile in face) INT1: ask me to take my seat me: thank you sir Int1: u anitha.....completed MCA me: yes sir int1: k fine. Tell about how you are great? me: (think a while) int1: tell abt ur greatness in MCA....regarding ur project, paper presentations me: Sir, I have to tell abt my project r paper presentation? int1: anyone as u wish me: explain abt my project. int1: (ask some doubts regarding project) me: explained it clearly. int1: what made u to choose this project? me: since there are many hackers....eventhough there are so many technology to restrict it ....i choose this project at my level . int1: ur performance is good anitha me: thank you sir int2: you have mentioned that u have done paper presentations at national level,state level... me: ya...i have done so many but i had mentioned only one which i got prize... int2: k fine. tell me abt that topic. me: explained.... int2 : do u have account? me: ya i have account in SBI int1: in which branch? me: said the branch int2: do u opt for mobile banking facility? me:no i have not applied for that. int2: have u heard that even in SBI we have mobile banking facility? me: s i heard abt that int2: can u say wat it means? me: said abt mobile banking int2: u have mentioned abt NSS....wat have u done there? me: said abt camp, area we participated, theme of that camp, etc int1: good....well said. me: thank you sir. int3: what are the types of network? me: said LAN,WAN like that int1: wats that like tat? me: sry sir, i know only these two int3: can u tell abt tat? me: said abt LAN and WAN int3:what is HUB? me: said clearly abt HUB


hi, i m rashmi, i m selected for interview of sbi clerical2010, pliz tell me what type of questions are asked in interview... pliz mail me at mailtoras@yahoo.co.in.


hii, I am vikas pandey from jaipur. I have cleared sbi clerk exam 2009. I want to know what questions are asked in Interview. If you have some details please mail me at vikas_pandey25@yahoo.com