What is difference b/w composit key n primary key and
forigion key?

Answer Posted / saraswathi muthuraman

Compost key :

More than one column will be used to create compst key

SQL> create table ts_250 (a number,b number,c number,
primary key(a,c));

Table created.

here column A and column C is used to create compst key.
U can't insert null value in both columns.
Only unique combination of column A and column B value can
be inserted.

Primary key :

Key will be created on a single column in table.

SQL> create table ts_251 (a number,b number,c number,
primary key(a));

Table created.

null value cann't be inserted into column a.
oracle will create a index
only unique value can be inserted into column a.
only one primary key can be created on a table

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