What is sanity testing? and how to do sanity testing for a

Answer Posted / brahma

sanity testing ,in which test eng conducts or performs
overall testing( but not deatiled testing) on the released
build inorder to confirm that whether the build is proper
or not ,just before going to the detailed testing.
usually tester checks the following.
1.whether the bulid can be installed into our environment
or not.
If the build can be insatlled into our environment , then
onlywe can conduct the overall testing otherwise we can
not conduct overall testing.

2.whether we can navigate to all the pages of the
application .
If we navigate to all pages of the application,, then only
we can conduct the overall testing otherwise we can not
conduct overall testing.

3.whether all the imporatnt features r avilable on the appl
or not.
If all the imporatnt features r avilable on the appl ,
then only we can conduct the overall testing otherwise we
can not conduct overall testing.

4.whether all the required connections r established or not.

If all the all the required connections r established, then
only we can conduct the overall testing otherwise we can
not conduct overall testing.

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