why we need abstract class in java, what is the diff b/w
abstract claas in c++ and abstract class in java

Answer Posted / nikhil naoghare

Abstact classses are those classes which can have abstact as well as Common methods. we use Abstract classes because we want to implement Polymorphism.
Its always good to prefer the abstract class because it will give us the addtional method declaration in the class.
We use Abstract class to enforce some rules to the classes which extends it. For example we can define a class say Car and we can declare methods say Color() Mileage(). This means whatever the class that is derived from Car has to override or give definition for Color() and Mileage() and therefore we are making sure that all the derived classes follows or has the common functionalities. In other way the classes derived from superclass should have common properties. In addition to this the derive class can have its own methods like Type().

In case of Abstract class we can define COMMON functionalities in super class and those can be used in the derived class where as in Interface we cant do that.

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