What is the difference between a primary server and a
secondary server?

Answer Posted / shekhar garg

Most domain name system (DNS) registrars require you to have at least two DNS servers, a primary server and a secondary server, for your website. The names "primary" and "secondary" can be misleading, as the secondary server doesn't strictly act as a backup server, as the name seems to suggest.

Both the primary server and secondary server provide you Web traffic data, such as keyword activity and number of hits. The only difference between the data collected by each server is how the server obtains the data.

Primary servers directly obtain data through local files. Secondary servers obtain information from zone transfers with a secondary source, typically the primary server.

You can only have one primary server. However, you can have an unlimited number of secondary servers.

While you can manage both servers from the same computer, JH Software, a company started in 1999 that primarily deals with DNS, recommends managing the servers from different Internet protocol, or IP, addresses. One way to do this is by using an online DNS service to manage your secondary server.

Interesting Fact:-
Primary servers and secondary servers may also be referred to as super master (primary) and slave (secondary) servers.

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