What is the difference b/w Smoke and Sanity Testing? I heard
that Sanity testing will be done by developers. Is that so?

Answer Posted / murali

sanity testing means checking whether the released build is
working properly or not.
Here we will check the following
1. whether the build is installing into the
environment or not.

2.whether we can navigate through all the
pages of the application or not.

3. whether all the features are available or not

4.whether the established
connections(database connections) are properly working or

actually smoke testing and sanity
testingare same.
in some companies before releasing the build the developers
will check whether the build is proper or not is known as
smoke testing and once the build is released once again the
testers will check the build is proper or not is known as
sanity testing.

actually smoke testing is done in electronics industries
when they develop any circuits they will conduct smoke
testing to check is there any short circuit in the circuit
after performing this only they will do detail testing.

so some companies use tat terminology in software also

dont confuse both sanity and smoke testing are same........

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