what is PIV related to diode

Answer Posted / asha

As a general term applied to semiconductor diodes, peak
reverse voltage or peak inverse voltage is the maximum
voltage that a diode can withstand in the reverse direction
without breaking down or avalanching. If this voltage is
exceeded the diode may be destroyed. Diodes must have a
peak inverse voltage rating that is higher than the maximum
voltage that will be applied to them in a given application.

For rectifier applications, peak inverse voltage (PIV) or
peak reverse voltage (PRV) is the maximum value of reverse
voltage which occurs at the peak of the input cycle when
the diode is reverse-biased. The portion of the sinusoidal
waveform which repeats or duplicate itself is known as the
cycle. The part of the cycle above the horizontal axis is
called the positive half-cycle, or alternation; the part of
the cycle below the horizontal axis is called the negative
alternation. With reference to the amplitude of the cycle,
the peak inverse voltage is specified as the maximum
negative value of the sine-wave within a cycle's negative

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