I am Nithya, attended SBI Interview on 28.04.2010.
I am a Banking Student. Questions arised for me are as
1. Which is the Biggest Peninsular Country?
2. What is Negotiable Instruments Act?
3. What is Bill of Exchange?
4. Economic Development of a Country is based on what?
5. Is India a Developed Country?
6. Is China a Developed Country?
7. Name any under Developed Countries?
8. What is the difference between Oceans & Seas?
9. How many Continents are in the World?
10. How many Oceans are there in the World?
11. What is a Peninsula? Gulf? Bay?
12. Biggest Country in the World?
13. Biggest Continent in the World?
14. Name any 2 Seas one from East and one from West of
15. How many marks you have scored in Maths in your
16. Why didn't you study after what you have completed?

Answer Posted / dingy

fds i attended inter on 26 april 10 at trivandrum,,,,,good experience around 250 aspirants r there to attend,,, it takes hardly 10 mini for interv ,,they r 3 and supportive.....one asked me about experience related qn....one from current affairs ,,,,,,,what is bafta,,,british asso for filim ,,,,,, which filim got last yr's bafta award, who's the director,,,,,,, then another one asked me abt mobile banking,mutual fund etc,,,,,,thats all ,,,so friends don't be panic go with courage,,,,,,,,

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

Hi Guys , Please tell me which is the good coaching center for bank exams in Ameerpet or hyd ? Please share ur opinion on coaching centers.... Condrats who r selected in SBI exam..


you have done BE in computer science branch.So why you want to join the bank clerk? plz give me the positive ans regarding the above statement? and send the logic behind it? please send the ans to mail id "akashpatel03@hotnmail.com"


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yaarr..if anyone hv sum clue abt d date of SBI CLERICAL INTERVIEW declaration


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What will the salary structure for intermediates for the clerical post?


guys on which basis are they alloting interview dates.... MERIT or Reg num or Roll num........


Hai!This is Mallikarjun. I have completed MCA.I have shortlisted for SBI clerical interview.I don't have any idea about what questions they may ask in interview.Plz any can help me to how to prepare for interview and what are the questions they can ask. Plz mail at mallikarjun.police@gmail.com


sir plz send me previous 5 years questions papers of bank of india clerical on my emailid->bpraichur@gmail.com


what is bank crisis


what do you undestand about current account and saving account?


Hi friends i am M.Ponraj, i have been selected for the post of Sorting Assistant in RMS'T'Division(Tiruchirapalli), Department of Posts, India on December 29th 2009. In trichy division 23 candidates were selected and 10 of them were given induction training and they are to be posted in trichy division. I am waiting for the induction training. In the mean time i got selected in the SBI-Clerk written exam and attended the interview for it in Chennai on 26th April 2010. Any one selected as Sorting Assistant in RMS attended SBI-Clerk interview on april or may 2010. If so Please mail me to mponrajbe@gmail.com Thanks, M.Ponraj (+91-9655975726) 22nd May 2010


Is there anybody from Rajkot-Gujarat???Pl.share your experience and ideas about interview. Thans in advance. Kajal


when will oriental bank final results will get announced?is 60% in written test for general category is enough to clear the interview?if anybody knows ,please reply.