Hi Frnds This is garima, iam selected in Union bank of
india clerical written exam, My interview is scheduled on
18th of May 2010.
Is any body der whos also selected fr the same.
Iam frm Mumbai.
Any idea abt the panel,how many members wud be thr,wt kind
of questions dey ask.

Answer Posted / ravi paradkar

hi garima this is ravi from pune.
1st congts..
there r 4-5 members in a pannel
they ased u question based on ...like
why banking sector..??
why union baank.?
how many branches of ubi (just prepared little through
website of ubi)
hobbies..??(if reading newspaper then which paper u read
regular,name of chief editor,etc,current affairs as well)
what is crr.plr,repo rate,etc?? prepared current rates.?
function of RBI governer n sub governers
familly background..??
native place.?

just normal question be preaperd well
all the best .

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

when will be union bank result annouced?which exam held on 4 april 2010.sir please send it on my id no. that is rinku_del246@rediffmail.com.


wil u pls send me previous papers of bsrb clerical


You are just 33 why do you left your job in early age


i am commrce student please tell me whats question arise in the interview




I have cleared the UBI clerical xam. interview on May 18th. can anyone know abt how many years it will take to promote or they can allow to write xam for officer grade after entered as clerk in a bank? what are the xams to be wriiten for promotion or name of the xams .


me: (may i come in) good evening sirs, good evening mam.(with a smile in face) INT1: ask me to take my seat me: thank you sir Int1: u anitha.....completed MCA me: yes sir int1: k fine. Tell about how you are great? me: (think a while) int1: tell abt ur greatness in MCA....regarding ur project, paper presentations me: Sir, I have to tell abt my project r paper presentation? int1: anyone as u wish me: explain abt my project. int1: (ask some doubts regarding project) me: explained it clearly. int1: what made u to choose this project? me: since there are many hackers....eventhough there are so many technology to restrict it ....i choose this project at my level . int1: ur performance is good anitha me: thank you sir int2: you have mentioned that u have done paper presentations at national level,state level... me: ya...i have done so many but i had mentioned only one which i got prize... int2: k fine. tell me abt that topic. me: explained.... int2 : do u have account? me: ya i have account in SBI int1: in which branch? me: said the branch int2: do u opt for mobile banking facility? me:no i have not applied for that. int2: have u heard that even in SBI we have mobile banking facility? me: s i heard abt that int2: can u say wat it means? me: said abt mobile banking int2: u have mentioned abt NSS....wat have u done there? me: said abt camp, area we participated, theme of that camp, etc int1: good....well said. me: thank you sir. int3: what are the types of network? me: said LAN,WAN like that int1: wats that like tat? me: sry sir, i know only these two int3: can u tell abt tat? me: said abt LAN and WAN int3:what is HUB? me: said clearly abt HUB


what quality should a cleark posses?


sir i selected to sbi clerical. i added my qualification as b.tech.but i didnt completed it. will they allow to interview????


has anyone got selected for sbi associate clerical interview?share ur views...abt date n questions..


is the application print out is necessary in ibps interview process


What is the Gross Salary and net salary of newly appointed SBI clerk in 2010 after the pay revision?


hi any 1 selected frm andhra pradesh to karnataka bank clerks in 2011.my interview is in june.plz msg me on 7207655202/maheshallam10@gmail.com


what is bank,banking,bank rate,slr,repo rate,reverse repo rate,crr,functions of rbi,functions of sbi


anyone know how interview date is being scheduled ,whether it is based on merit list of written or on based on registration id that is according to date of written paper , so plz frnds tell about ur date of interview along with registration id, so that we cnfrm this.......