In an environment of derived roles ; a user is asking for a
t-code ; which is not found in suim in search of roles ?
what will u do ?

Answer Posted / gaurav

1> You'll need to check if the transaction that is being
requested is available in the system i.e if it exists or
not. You'll have to check this thru transaction SE93.
[If not then the ABAP team needs to get this transaction
coded into the system]

2> If transaction does exists and if you are not able to
find this in any production/ end user roles, then you'll
have to see if you can find any ViewName/ Table Name linked
to this transaction [this would be on the same screen i.e.
SE93 at the bottom]

3> If a ViewName is available then this means that this new
transaction will be interacting with the table you found
and hence the object S_TABU_DIS and SU24 change will come
into picture.

4> You then need to take a trace yourself in Development
system by executing this transaction and check the trace
report for the activities that show up.
[Note: Remember to undo whatever you have saved]

5> Take appropriate approval for role modification as per
process you follow in your organization.

6> Make SU24/ role changes in development system and have
these changes moved till Quality or Fix system for testing
purpose. Create test ID's accordingly.

7> If testing fails, get SU53 report and redo analysis. If
testing is successful create production/ end user roles,
make a TP request and get your changes moved till
production system.

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