Every year very huge amount of depreciation debited at any
of company's account, which is actually non cash expense,
now where actually amount goes at the year end?
Answer Posted / mr. jatin trivedi
Profit & Loss A/c used in this case for only settlement of
the depreciation a/c.
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over draft balance as per cash book (journal entries needed) a,cheques deposited in bank but no entry was passed in cashbook b, credit side of the bank, column cash short c, chques received but not sent to bank d, insurance premium paid by bank as per standing instructions e, credit side of bank, coloumn cash short f, bank charges entered in cash book twice g, cheques received returned by bank but no entry passed h, cheques issued returned on technical grounds i, bills directly collected by bank j, bank charges debited by bank k, cheques received entered twice l, bills discounted dishonoured
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