Answer Posted / chvpavankumar
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What does the ‘suppress dialog’ do?
Does the table can have multiple foreign keys?
Name some system global variables you can use in abap programs?
How many types of tables exists and what are they in data dictionary?
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Can you create a table with fields not referring to data elements? : abap data dictionary
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Can a filed occur in several field groups? : abap modularization
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How can we upload a text file having delimiters in to legacy system? : abap bdc
B -Credit Note report Selection Screen Ranges: Creation date Sales Org Sold to Party Selection condition: Document Category – VBTYP should be ‘O’ Table to be used: VBRK, VBRP,VBPA,ADRC List the CR order types or credit billing type by customer number (or selected customer) and displays the: - Billing Document date (FKDAT) - Customer number (KUNRG) - Name of the reseller (on top of the SAP No) (NAME1) - Billing document number,(VBELN) - order reason (AUGRU_AUFT) - Amount (NETWR) - Currency (WAERK) Group Currency wise, billing type wise sum of Net value. When user double click on field ‘Billing Document #’ , display the document in VF03 Do this using OO ABAP.