i m having in tervies on 3rd may
i wanna ask that 12th character certificate will do or do i
need the last lg attended. also plz tell me the
justification regarding the fact that i have done mba

Answer Posted / shrankhla

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hi, i m rashmi, i m selected for interview of sbi clerical2010, pliz tell me what type of questions are asked in interview... pliz mail me at mailtoras@yahoo.co.in.


Hi, i have just cleared sbi clerical examination and i need to prepare for the interview. Could anyone of you who have got through the interview tell me some interview tips and also which books to read. And what questions are most likely to be asked.


when will be sbi assoicate banks clerks recrutiment2011 result released?


why we should select u in sbi


What will the salary structure for intermediates for the clerical post?


I had completed my sbi clerical interview...... do anyone know on wat basis the interview held?.....is it on merit order or category or roll number....when will be the final result announced and what is the last date for interview schedule?


does any body hav an idea about the actual date when the sbi will finally declare the result for clerical cadre??????????


are u preparing only for sbi clerical or any other bank?plz help how to answer this


dear orissa circle candidate selected in sbi clerk 2010, did any one has got the offer letter or any info. abt the medical test date.plz pass the news in detail at trinath.net@gmail.com or at 9885560854 plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


what is bank crisis


HI, friends, dis is NEHA JAIN. I have cleared my sbi clerical written examination of nov 2009. now i need to prepare for the interview. anyone who has cleared the interview; or has a proper idea about it, kindly help me out.........my mail id is nehajain456@gmail.com........KINDLY DO REPLY...THANX


What are rhe expected questions


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role of SBI in indian banking sector?


current affair related questions wid answers also,,if any body know ,,,,which may b asked in sbi interview???????