what is the extension of action script template?
Answer Posted / murali.nachahally
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I am getting the "test object property" Description properties "toolkit class" value By using "gettoproperty" in run time But my problem is how to get Ordinal Identyfier's type and value Type is index, value is 0 How can i keep this values in to required place How can i get these values in runtime I have to insert these "index" and "value" into another area Is there any script for this like "gettoproperties","Getroproperties" If anybody knows,please help me .
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I have written a code to fetch values fro access db and place in the fields. Iam using GetROProperty to fetch runtime values. Now i want to add runtime values to the access db in field v3. please help me. Its not writting in the db. Option explicit Dim con,rs,db,c Set con=createobject("adodb.connection") Set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset") con.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=D:\Sales.mdb" rs.open "select * from tax",con Do while not rs.eof Browser("Sales Tax Calculator").Page("Sales Tax Calculator").WebEdit("incost").Set rs.fields("v1") Browser("Sales Tax Calculator").Page("Sales Tax Calculator").WebEdit("intax").Set rs.fields("v2") c=Browser("Sales Tax Calculator").Page("Sales Tax Calculator").WebEdit("outtax").GetROProperty("value") rs.MoveNext print c Loop Do while not rs.EOF rs.EditMode rs.Fields("v3").Value="3" rs.Update rs.MoveNext Loop Set rs=nothing Set con=nothing
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