How to Install SQL SERVER 2005 remotely?

Answer Posted / manish

Performing a Remote Installation
You can install SQL Server 2005 on a remote computer over a
network. Being able to perform a remote installation is
useful when you need to install SQL Server on multiple
computers in different locations, or when it is not
practical to require physical access to the computer on
which you want to inst all SQL Server.

Remote installation requirements
Remote installations must be performed from a command
prompt using an .ini file. The .ini file must include the
parameters explained in the following table.

Parameter Description
TARGETCOMPUTER The network name of the computer on which
SQL Server is to be installed
ADMINACCOUNT The account with administrative privileges to
be used to log onto the remote computer
ADMINPASSWORD The password for the administrative account
to be used to log onto the remote computer

Remote installation is supported only in a domain
environment; it cannot be used to install SQL Server on a
remote computer in a workgroup.

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