How will you deploy a web appln?i mean how will recive that
build if it is web based(

Answer Posted / abhesheke

thanx my "suren" . ur answer seem to work right
for "microsoft technology" and i know that when u are
working with microsoft technology the application directly
is stored in Path INETPUB\WWWROOT are else u can create a
e virtual directory in wwwroot and place ur file there
if u are not working with IDE then u need to copy all the
file and create a virtual directory(folder)and paste all ur
file there.

if ur working with sun technology like web-logic server or
tomacat server u need are going to place .jar file in the
server in web appliaction folder in tomacat and in weblogic
u create a .jar file and upload it in the server

but speaking with regarding sun technology my answer 100%
write i dont no how far i am correct with microsoft

thanx my dear suren for correcting me i have just
overlooked the question .

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