overloading of stored procedure is possible in oracle?
Answer Posted / vipin kumar
This is how its works
create or replace package vips_test as
function addition(a1 in number, b in number, c1 in number default 0) return number;
function addition(a1 in number, b in number ,d1 in number default 0) return number;
show errors;
create or replace package body vips_test as
function addition(a1 in number, b in number, c1 in number default 0)
return number is
return a1+b+c1;
function addition(a1 in number, b in number ,d1 in number default 0)
return number is
return a1+b+d1;
show errors;
select vips_test.addition(a1 => 1 ,b =>2, c1 => 2) from dual;
but if you will try calling as above
select vips_test.addition(a1 => 1 ,b =>2) from dual;
SQL Error: ORA-06553: PLS-307: too many declarations of 'ADDITION' match this call
06553. 00000 - "PLS-%s: %s"
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