I want to learn QTP Online, where can I get quality training?

Answer Posted / srinivasulu arepalli

G C Reddy sir is the best faculty for QTP Training, he has
launched 2 web sites for providing technical info to his old

1) www.gcreddy.com for QTP

2) www.gcreddy.net for Manual Testing

He is providing QTP training online with Industry oriented
content, his content and style of presentation is very
advanced and excellent. He is very good in below concepts:

1) Descriptive programming

2) VB Script

3) Automation Framework Design & Implementation

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I want to do Certification course in QTP. For this I request you to suggest the best Tutorial in PDF format, if possible, kinldy mail PDF file to my mail-ID: ramakrishna908@gmail.com Regards, krishna.


hi i want license key for qtp 9.2 pls its adjust product name : quick test professional locking code :8 - 54A6A license type : seat license maintenance number : 88888888-8888 pls send license key to my email id borusu.ramkumar@gmail.com


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