what is difference between stress testing and load testing?

Answer Posted / madhusudhan

Load testing: also concurrency testing.
load means number of concurrent users using our software build at a time. during this test, the testing team executes our software build under customer expected config n cust expected load to estimate speed of processing or performance.
eg : Hospital mgmt software.
Load = 10 = number of counters operating at a time in hospital.

here we test with 10 counters.

testing with more than 10 counters results stress testing.

stress testing : The execution of our software build under customer expected load to estimate the peak limit of load is called stress testing.

example for easy understanding sake.

take 7 seven seater auto.

if we sit 7 members = its comfirtable as its created for 7 ( load )

allowing the max number of persons to sit up to 10 or 11 is stress testing.

Thanks for spending.

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