what is the difference bitwwen invoices F1,F2 AN F8 ?

Answer Posted / srinath bachu

Normally, F1 is called order-related Billing (when we create billing from the Sales order) e.g OR to F1,and

F2 is called Delivery-related billing (when physical delivery is created and billing is done from the Delivery) e.g LF to F2.

But you can create Billing type F1 from LF also.
Both, LF to F2 and LF to F1 are defined in the copy control(VTFL).


Difference between the two is that , if you create billing type F2 from LF then Price is copied as it is from the Sales order.

But , if you create billing type F1 from LF, then price is re-run , means it will take the latest price.

Suppose yesterday you have created an order and delivery document for that,but to-day you are doing Billing.
Suppose from to-day new price is coming into effect in your organisation.

In this case in if you create F2 billing type from the delivery(LF), it will not take the new price rather it will copy what was in the Sales order.

But in the same scenario, instead of F2 billing type, if you create F1 type of billing from delivry(LF), then it will ignore the price what was in the order and will take the new price(latest price).

All these are controlled from the "pricing type" in the copy control (VTFL).

In LF---- F1 , Pricing Type is "C" , whereas in LF
F2, Pricing Type is "G" in standard settings.

The "Pricing source for F1 billing type is "Sales order", whereas for Billing type F2, Pricing source is "Sales order/Delivery".

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