what is actual real time using of oops concepts in

Answer Posted / anjani kumar jha

In real sense..............no project can exists without
presence of oops........and believe me.........this is same
thing body withot "HEART"...AND think hard
why...............? if not found any ans......contact me

Anjani Kumar Jha

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4.1 Supply contracts (in the form of comments specifying pre- and post conditions) for the enqueue() method of the LinkedQueue class given in the Appendix. (2) 4.2 Let Thing be a class which is capable of cloning objects, and consider the code fragment: Thing thing1 = new Thing(); //(1) Thing thing2 = thing1; //(2) Thing thing3 = (Thing) thing1.clone(); //(3) Explain how the objects thing2 and thing3 differ from each other after execution of the statements. (


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Question 5 [15] Consider the following classes, illustrating the Strategy design pattern: import java.awt.*; abstract class Text { protected TextApplet tA; protected Text(TextApplet tApplet) { tA = tApplet; } abstract public void draw(Graphics g); } class PlainText extends Text { protected PlainText(TextApplet tApplet) { super(tApplet); } public void draw(Graphics g) { g.setColor(tA.getColor()); g.setFont(new Font("Sans-serif", Font.PLAIN, 12)); g.drawString(tA.getText(), 20, 20); } } class CodeText extends Text { protected CodeText(TextApplet tApplet) { super(tApplet); } public void draw(Graphics g) { g.setColor(tA.getColor()); g.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12)); g.drawString(tA.getText(), 20, 20); } } public class TextApplet extends java.applet.Applet { protected Text text; protected String textVal; protected Color color; public String getText() { return textVal; } public Color getColor() { return color; } public void init() { textVal = getParameter("text"); String textStyle = getParameter("style"); String textColor = getParameter("color"); if (textStyle == "code") text = new CodeText(this); else text = new PlainText(this); if (textColor == "red") color = Color.RED; else if (textColor == "blue") color = Color.BLUE; else color = Color.BLACK; } public void paint(Graphics g) { text.draw(g); 10 } } The Text class is more complicated than it should be (there is too much coupling between the Text and TextApplet classes). By getting rid of the reference to a TextApplet object in the Text class and setting the colour in the paint() method, one could turn the Text class into an interface and simplify the strategy classes considerably. 5.1 Rewrite the Text and PlainText classes to do what is described above. (6) 5.2 Explain the consequent changes that are necessary to the TextApplet class. (4) 5.3 Write an additional strategy class called FancyText (to go with your simplified strategy classes) to allow fancy text to be displayed for the value "fancy" provided for the style parameter. It should use the font Font ("Serif", Font.ITALIC, 12). (3) 5.4 Explain what changes are necessary to the TextApplet class for this. (2)


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