Why do you create parameters?

Answer Posted / dillesh

Parameter is nothing but script veriable. this variable is
store those values which is user know.in loadRunner we will
do parameterization to those data which are Unique,
Dependent, Date&Time and User defined data.

Unique Data means those data which are unique like Username.
Ex: if you are executing the scenario for 60 users but the
username is same so no need to do parmeterization, but if
there is different user names so we should do
parameterization for those uniq values.

Dependent Data: password is dependent data, because it is
depending upon Username.

Date&Time: we should do parameterization for Date&Time
because time is dinamically changing, there is lenghtly
explanation about time&Date but i think you can think that

Dinamic Data: some of the peoples think that dynamic data
will do correlation, that is right but we will do dynamic
data also to parameterization. parameterization will do
those dinamic data which is user defined dynamic data. not
server generated dynamic data. server genarated dinamic
data we will do correlation and user defined dynamic data
we will do parameterization.

now i think you can understand that why we do
parameterization in LoadRunner Scripts.


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