Explain Active/Active and Active/Passive cluster

Answer Posted / ali

Saji, you answer is ok, but there are some things that need
to be cleared here. Node = Windows Server, Instance = SQL
Server Installation

1.I find that more people use the terms Active/Active and
Active/Passive to detail what the cluster is actually doing
(rather than single instance or multi-instance).
2.An active/passive cluster can have two instances of sql
server running on the active node and the passive node being
idle waiting for a failover to happen.
3.Also, it is not required that in an active/active cluster
one node has default instance and the other node has named
instance, where infact both nodes can have named instances
as part of the virtual server.

Active/Active clusters is really a mutli-instance (in terms
of SQL Server) cluster with each node owning a running
instance with resources leading to both nodes Actively
running business logic. Both nodes can be possible owners of
each others resources should a failover occur

Active/Passive clusters is normally single instance of SQL
Server (although I have come across a few cases of
multi-instance) that runs on one node Actively and the other
node does nothing but sit and wait for a failover to occur
(passive node).

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