1. What is Test data?
2. What is Test Development?
3. What is Boundary value & Equilance Partition?
4. What is Compatability testing?
5. How do you know Prepared Test cases are Responsable
testcases or not?
6. Give me a Tracebility matrix documet & Deffination?
7. What is Error, Defect, Bug?
8. What is Smoke testing, Monkey testing, Sanity testing?
9. What is defference b/w Functionality testing &
Regression testing? Give me a Example?
10. In your exp which type of defects you identify?
11. Tell me a defects for load testing,Security testing?
11. What is defference b/w System testing & User acceptance
12. How many test cases write per a day& for one project
how many testcases write you?
13. A professor has introduce some cources in college How
to write test case for this requirement?
14. Write a test case for ATM Meachane?
15. Which configuration tool you used in .Net Application &
Java based Applications?
16. What is the difference b/w Client server & Web based
17. What is two tier & three tier application?Give me a
18. What is the defference b/w Java & J2ee?
19. Which model life cycles you used for Development &
20. Explain Development & Testing life cycles?
21. How to connect data table from QTP?
22. How QTP recognize Dynamic objects?
22. Which Atomation Frame work can you invoved in QTP&
Explain me?
23. How QTP Tool Identify objects?
24 What is the difference b/w Check point & Out put value
in QTP?
25. When did you give
High Priority & High Seviority
High Priority & Low Seviority
High Seviority &High Priority
High Seviority & Low Seviority?

Answer Posted / ahmed

1, Inputs given to test the application
3, Range of value or particular value. Range of value,
particular value, member of a set, logical condition

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

When we use integration testing for any new system so why we required system testing.


What is localization testing (l10n testing)?


What r the sequences that leads to automation?


how will we change the server system time?


What is the typical situation u faced while collecting the test data?


Can anybody help i put the pharma and bank project in my resume, but i dont know what to tell about them, any body tell the where can i get the information about them,what i need to tell about these applications,please help me


What are the different strategies for rollout to end users?


how to explain banking domain project in testing?


Write the test cases for yahoo home page


what is your daily activities?


write test case for gmail sign up page ?


what are the 3 test tool categories and describe what each can do.


hi friends .......... from srs to signoff what r the tests the testing team will conduct either sequentially or parallel pls advice thanks in advance


What is error cusing tecnique


What are the Important test scenarios which can be used for testing a web site?