What is ADHOC testing ?

Answer Posted / hemant kumar

Another name of AdHoc testing is 'Monkey Testing' which is
done to simulate actual user environment. There is no
defined approach for this type of testing however; the test
cases are documented (contrary to the common belief of no
documentation). What is not documented is the approach
because there is no approach defined. That is why at times
it is referred to as 'Unscripted Testing' as well.
In AdHoc testing the user has no prior experience of testing
and the user is not very well aware of the application.
We may understand this by example of a kid testing a
Mercedes car. As the kid doesn't knows driving and neither
he is aware of driving. So, the kid is like monkey, who
while fiddling with controls might push a button to start
the engine which in turn tests the engine start button.
The idea of this type of testing goes with old saying that
if you shut 100 monkeys in a room with 100 typewriters
sooner or later they will type something that will make
sense. So, in this type of testing subjects the software to
real time environment, subjecting the software to the
actions which an experienced user might refrain from and
thereby finding hidden bugs.

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