Describe in detail the digestive system in man

Answer Posted / abhishek dash

The digestive system comprises of the alimentary canal and it's associated glands. The parts of the alimentary canal are 1)mouth 2)pharynx 3)oesophagus 4)Stomach 5)intestines 6)anal canal.

The mouth cavity is also called as the Oral orifice. It is bound by the lips on the upper side and the lower side. Inner to the mouth cavity is present the buccopharyngeal cavity. This cavity is made up of Buccal cavity and pharyngeal cavity. The buccal cavity contains Teeth, Palate, Tongue, and the Salivary Glands. The teeth help in chewing the food, tongue helps in mixing the food with the saliva, and salivary glands secrete the saliva.

The roof of the buccal cavity is called the Palate, which is divided into anterior hard palate and posterior soft palate. The hard palate has a mucous membrane which is folded into several ridges called rugae. The soft palate is folded to form a finger like projection called uvula which closes the internal nostrils while swallowing.

The pharyngeal cavity is divided into two openings posteriorly. The upper one is called opening of Gullet and the lower one, opening of Glotis. The opening of Glotis is guarded by a cartilagenous flap called epiglotis which closes the Glotis while swallowing.

The oesophagus is a muscular tube which is 25 cm wide. No digestion takes place in the oesophagus, and it acts as a passage for the food from the buccopharyngeal cavity to the stomach.

Stomach is otherwise called as the gaster. It is divided into 4 parts- 1)Cardia 2)Fundus 3)Main body and 4)Pylorus. In the stomach, the gastric juice acts on the food in an acidic medium.

The small intestine is divided into 3 parts- 1)Duodenum 2)jejunum 3)ileum. The small intestine is about 6 m long and about 2.5 cm wide. The common bile duct from liver and gall bladder and the pancreatic duct open into the duodenum by a common aperture called the Papillae of Vater. The food is digested in a basic medium in the duodenum.

The large intestine is 1.5 m long and 6.5 cm wide. It is divided into four regions- 1)caecum 2)Vermiform apendix 3)colon 4)Rectum. The digested food is absorbed in the large intestine. The colon of the large intestine is divided into ascending colon, transverse colon and descending colon. The descending colon ends with the rectum where the undigested food is stored.

Later on the undigested food is passed out through the anus.

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