How to test background color and dynamic images which are
moving during runtime?

Answer Posted / suguruchandrashaker rao

Dim ctrlWebEl, objWebEl
Set ctrlWebEl =Browser("Google").Page("Google").Link("Go to")
Set objWebEl = ctrlWebEl.Object

sColor = objWebEl.currentStyle.color
sBackgrColor = objWebEl.currentStyle.backgroundColor
sFontSize = objWebEl.currentStyle.fontSize
sFontStyle = objWebEl.currentStyle.fontStyle
sFontFamily = objWebEl.currentStyle.fontFamily
sFontWeight = objWebEl.currentStyle.fontWeight
store this code in actualresult as a variable
and in runtime get the property value using GetRoproperty
and store it in expectedresult
then compare both the result like
if actualresult=expectedresult

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Hi I am new to QTP. can u please answer to my qus... suppose 3 excel sheets are there * we are trying to check for login credentials for a page. userid from excel1 , password is from excel2 whether the page is opened or not that checkpoint is result is should be stored in excel 3.... this qus i have faced in IBM technical round... please tell script for above query ... please please


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