1.CA(command Atention key)& CF(command Function key)
difference with example?Please can any body tell me in real
time exp?
2.Can any body tell me some mandatery function keys using
while creating any screen with use of SDA-FUNCTION

Answer Posted / neha

The CF and CA keywords are used in display files to enable
function keys. CF01 and CA01 both enable the F1 key on your
keyboard. The difference is that a CF (command function) key
updates the fields in your program, while a CA (command
attention) key does not.

A CA key also bypasses any field editing. For example, if
you enter a bad value into a field that has the VALUES
keyword specified in the DDS and then press a CF key, you
will get an error, and the screen will not be returned to
the program because the field doesn't pass validation. If,
on the other hand, you hit a CA key, the editing is
bypassed, and the CA key is returned to the program
(although the fields are not). The best use for CA keys is
keys that exit a screen without updating data--typically,
CA03 or CA12 in iSeries applications.

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