Give me a sample test case for an online purchasing
system?What testings u do for the same ?

Answer Posted / satish

1)click the URL link for the online purchasing site.
2)Register if not registered before, Enter user name,login
id and password, Click ‘OK’ button to submit.
3)Enter your login id and password,if you are a.
4)Validate the login id and password, if correct menu page
will be opened.
5) If not correct,display the error message "invalid login
id or password".Re-enter your login id and password.
6)Click the item field and select the item.
7)If available, display the cost and brand, else
display " item is unavailable".
8)click 'YES' to do online purcahsing for the item else
click 'NO'.
9)If 'YES' go to the payment type, else display the 'EXIT'
9a) Enter shipping address where all the fields are
9b)Enter billing address
9c) Enter message to be given to the consignee
9d) update shopping cart and procced to payment

10)click the payment type options and select the mode of
11)Fill the fields- account holder's name, bank name,
credit/debit card option, card detail, price to be paid,
email id etc.
12) If invalid information is given, show error message "
please re-enter "
13)If black field is present, display message "all the
fields are mandatory".
14)Click "SUBMIT" button.
15)Display the successful submission message "successfully
16)Press 'EXIT' button.
17)Show the message " successfully logged off".

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