What is the logic for reading(exporting)the data from flat
files to QTP?Can anyone explain me with an example?

I appreciate it!!!


Answer Posted / jhansi rani

the process is
assume the flat file is "abc.txt" which consists of some
data like sno and sname.
first we need to create object for that txt file like

set fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

next open that file using that fso

set f=fso.opentextfile("path of the txt file",mode)

1 --- readingmode
2 --- writing mode
8 --- append mode

while f.atendofline <> true
f.readline --- to read the line from the text file
perform require operations

so total script is as follows

Set fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set f=fso.opentextfile("E:\testingexamples\abc.txt",1)
While f.atendofline <> true
msgbox f.readline

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