How a synchronous generator practically work? what is the
function of avr(automatic voltage regulator)in synchronous
generator?how the connection of avr to the generator made
practically?please give me the answer.

Answer Posted / kumar

AVR means automatic voltage regulator
AVR is heart of generator .initially generator produce
residual voltage only by prime mover that voltage it’s near
5 to 10% of rated voltage so we using AVR for buildup the
generator voltage. Its produce DC field voltage is also
called excitation voltage. That field voltage is fed to
excitor of generator and is converting into dc by RR
(rotating rectifier) RR output fed to main rotor depend
upon the field voltage generator produce voltage & that
output voltage we should fed as reference voltage to AVR
through transformer then depending upon the reference AVR
buildup & maintaining the constant of generator output
voltage . AVR require dc supply for operation so we require
battery or some DC source. In some standard generator they
provide AVR also otherwise we can design as per generator
excitation voltage but if you take any AVR mainly its
require dc input, generator output reference & AC auxiliary
supply.any more answer ????????

kumar (AVR panel service engg )

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