what is difference between flammable & highly flammable

Answer Posted / chennakesava rao

Flammable material can be a solid, liquid or gas. Flammable
liquid is a liquid that has a flash point of between 21 and
55°C. The U.S. Occupational Health and Safety
Administration (OSHA) defines a flammable liquid as "any
liquid having a flash point below 100 deg. F. (37.8 deg.
C.), except any mixture having components with flash points
of 100 deg. F. (37.8 deg. C.) or higher, the total of which
make up 99 percent or more of the total volume of the
mixture. Flammable liquids shall be known as Class I
Definition of combustible liquids, which indicates a
material that is somewhat harder to ignite compared to
flammable liquids. (Flash point above 100 oF).
OSHA divides flammable (and combustible) liquids into
several classes
These categories are further subdivided, depending on the
liquid's flash point and boiling point. Highly Flammable
liquid: A liquid that has a flash point of less than 21°C.
Class IA flammable liquids have a flash point below 73 °F
and a boiling point below 100 °F. Class IB flammable
liquids have a flash point below 73 °F and a boiling point
greater than or equal to 100 °F. Class IC flammable liquids
have a flash point greater than or equal to 73 °F and below
100 °F. Class II combustible liquids have a flash point
greater than or equal to 100 °F and below 140 °F. Class
IIIA combustible liquids have a flash point greater than or
equal to 140 °F and below 200 °F. Class IIIB combustible
liquids have a flash point greater than or equal to 200 °F
The older term, inflammable is identical in meaning to
flammable. To avoid confusion, only use the term flammable.
Something that is not flammable is called nonflammable

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