where do you see yourself after 5 or 10 years
Answer Posted / samir kumar panda
i want be a international marketing manager in reputad
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i have completed my bca from annamalai university in distance mode. Now am working as a Front Office Executive in a Software co. I am interested in HR field. and i want to do MBA HR from symbiosis university through Distance mode..Am i thinking right for myself??? please suggest me.!
Is any one has SAP GTS( Global Trade Services)Reading and Exercise material. If so, please e-mail me.
In the creation of the material master if user maintains MRP Type as ‘VB’ (Manual reorder point planning) unless until user will not maintain the Reorder point Qty & fixed lot size Qty system will not allow creating the material which is right process. Hence the same rule should be applied for MRP Type ‘ND’ also. So that user cannot fill the MRP Data unless he will not choose ‘VB’
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hi i am doing cause study about Enterprising young IT Entrepreneur who has recently started a small business running web hosting services for SME (Small to Medium Enterprise). You frequently need to meet (potential) clients to sell your services to them. You do so with presentations and demonstrations of your products. You will also want to install certain development software for your software development projects. So what software to use? need a server? what types of hosting should i use?
what is the difference between BI and BW security?
I didn't see any category for Project Management. What are the activities, documents; how to plan, schedule and monitor tasks, statuses, people...?
I have given ielts exam and i got 5.5 bands and i also got three I-20s from the US universities, so my ielts score will interrupt my visa or not? I want to confirm it.
What id the meaning of MIS ? MIS nasure, charactersitcs, purpose ? how can the leanr about them ?
Do you personally involved with Major incident process ? If yes, how do you manage it in your present organization ? explain with real scenario !
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Why are you interested in this position? Our company?
A network diagram for a hospital database. Consider your own set of processes for the hospital.