What is the constitutional name of India?

Answer Posted / vasanthakumar


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a solution is prepared by mixing two solution with sprit 20% & 60%…In what ration they should be mixed to get the 50% sprit in resultant solution .


If P=Total number of components, Q = number of defective components .What is the % of non defective components?


x + 4 y relation between x and y is x/2y = 3/2 ie x = 3y find the x -2y ratio


.Both A and B Alice and Bob play the following chip-off-the-table game. Given a pile of 58 chips, Alice first picks at least one chip but not all the chips. In subsequent turns, a player picks at least one chip but no more than the number picked on the previous turn by the opponent. The player to pick the last chip wins. Which of the following is true?


The crew of a rowing team of 8 members is to be chosen from 12 men (M1, M2, …., M12) and 8 women (W1, W2,…., W8), such that there are two rows, each row occupying one the two sides of the boat and that each side must have 4 members including at least one women. Further it is also known W1 and M7 must be selected for one of its sides while M2, M3 and M10 must be selected for other side. What is the number of ways in which rowing team can be arranged.


Find the 8th term in series: 2, 2, 12, 12, 30, 30, - - - - -


if a man byes 1 lt of milk for 12 rs and mixes with 20% of water and sels it for rs 15 thgen what is percentage of gain


During a given week A programmer spends 1/4 of his time preparing flow chart, 3/8 of his time coding and the rest of the time in debugging the programs. If he works 48 hours during the week , how many hours did he spend debugging the program.


In a company 30% are supervisors and 40% employees are male if 60% of supervisors are male. What is the probability that a randomly chosen employee is a male or female?


Four concentric circles are given. The radius of 1st circle is x. Next is 2x, then 3x and 4x. Given that area between 2nd and 1st is A and 4th and 3rd circles being B. Find ratio of A to B


There is a safe with a 5 digit number as the key. The 4th digit is 4 greater than second digit, while 3rd digit is 3 less than 2nd digit. The 1st digit is thrice the last digit. There are 3 pairs whose sum is 11. Find the number.


if 8x+4y=6 and 4x+5y=7, x+y equlals


If the area of a square has increased by 69%,by what % has its side increased?


In a soap company a soap is manufactured with 11 parts. For making one soap you will get 1 part as scrap. At the end of the day u have 251 such scraps. From that how many soaps can be manufactured?


9/10 or 10/11 which is greater.