How many types of Routines in SAP BI(7.0)?

Answer Posted / usha

Actually routine is the ABAP CODE where ever we can write
in BI. We can write the ABAP CODE at the following cases.

1. InfoPackage routine, where even we can get the file
information also.
2. Start Routine, This will trigger before
Transformations. Generally used for Filtering records.
3. Endroutine, this will trigger before Transformations.
Generally used for updating data based on existing data.
4. Expert Routine, this will trigger without any
transformation Rule. Whenever we try to write a expert
routine, all existing rules are deleted. This is used
generally for customizing rules.
5. Ty Routine, this will trigger inside the Rule based on
the char. or KF. If rule for Char, then Char
Transformation Routine will trigger. If rule for KF, then
KF Transformation Routine will trigger.

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