Expain about V model?

Answer Posted / hyderabad

v stands for verification and validation.
this model is combination of s/w quality assurance(sqa) &
s/w quality control(sqc) with SDLC.
1.reviews in analysis:
s/w development process starts with req. gathering and
analysis.here B.A category people gathering req. from real
client.analyst category people prepar brs and srs documents.
2.design: design category people prepare hld's & lld's
3.unit testing:here they r going to check whether progrm
running or not with hnging,correctly running or not, fastly
running or not,correctly program running or not.
4.integration testing:
integration is nothing but interconnection in between two
1. top-down
2. bottom up
3. hybride
4. big-bang
5.functional and system testing:
on preparing s/w we are conducting testing
2.functional & non functional
3.manual support testing testing
after complete s/w we r doing testing
6.user acceptence testing

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Upps..., sorry my email id is this : preet405p@yahoo.com Thanks in advanced.


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