scd methodology?

Answer Posted / vignesh muralidharan

Type1: No historical datas will be available, when changes
are made the old data will be deleted and the new data will
be insrted.

Type2: Flag:The old data will be denoted as false and the
new data will be denoted as true.

Version:The changes made will be numbered as 0,1, on.

Date:The changes along with the date in which they are made
are clearly mentioned.

Type3:The latest change which is made is alone available.

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SOURCE DATA IS DISPLAY IN THIS FORMATE IN TARGET . WHAT BUSINESS LOGIC WE CAN APPLY. source table target table ------------ ------------ c1 c2 c3 c1 c2 c3 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 A J 1 2 B K 2 A 3 C L 3 B J 4 D M 4 C K 5 E N 5 E L F M N