what are active and Passive Components?

Answer Posted / wolf

An active sensor/component requires an electrical power
source to work. A passive one does not.

Ultrasonic sensors, radar, and video cameras are active. A
strain gauge (whose resistance changes with pressure
applied) is passive. Some types microphones are active
while others (like piezoelectric microphones) are passive.
THey generate an output with only the input energy they are
sensing. They do not need a power source to generate an
output (though the output will usually be very low and need
to be amplified with an active device).

Thermocouples and thermopiles are passive. THey generate a
voltage output using the temperature energy they are
sensing. They do not require a battery to make their
output. But it is very weak and probably needs to be
amplified with an active device like an op-amp.

Some RFID tags are passive, others are active. The active
ones need a battery present to work. THe passive ones take
the RF energy being transmitted by the base unit, modify it
somehow, and reflect it back out to be received by the base
station, but they have a much shorter range than the active

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