Why would you desing a J2EE application so user data is
entered by way of a JSP page and managed by an underlying
Java Beans class?

Answer Posted / tarun tyagi

See if you are still writing applications that use
data-aware GUI components to interface directly with the
database, you might want to reconsider. Applications built
in this manner are not object oriented. Such two-layer
(GUI/Database) applications violate one of the primary
principles of object-oriented design: encapsulation.

Encapsulation is what allows a client to interact with an
object without knowledge of its implementation details, a
primary premise for loose coupling. In applications that use
data-aware widgets, the opposite is the case. The client and
the database are very tightly coupled. GUI code, business
logic, and SQL statements are all interwoven throughout the
application source code. As a result, the application can
become a maintenance nightmare. Any changes in the database
schema will surely cascade into unexpected failures.

Thats why we design a J2EE application so user data is
entered by way of a JSP page and managed by an underlying
Java Beans class

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