pls write test case for google and yahoo mail page. pls any
body known the answer immediatly post the answer

Answer Posted / sudhakar

Check Google availability
Google logo should be displayed on the top.
Check whether all the sub items are gets enabled.
Two label buttons available.
Check for text box availability
If enter testing in the text box then drop down list should
be opened
Text box testing without any text
Text box testing with special characters
Search button and enter buttom should do simultaneous work
Checking for Advance search option
If any relevant data is entered in text box then it should
say "Did you mean ……….with the keyword"
It must change to the desired keyword given by the computer.
Sign In option
It must have the options like Images.
It must have the options like maps.
It must have the options like News.
It must have the options like Orkut.
It must have the options like Books.
It must have the options like Gmail.
It must have the options like more.
Check whether the search results are showing in the same

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