is it enough one time qualified in prelims we can attempt
mains as many times

Answer Posted / rakesh


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do you believe in caste-ism ? positive points of casteism


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hello sir, i'm interested to pursue Indian forest service exam i finished my BE computer science , i choose geology and forestry as my optional is this gud to learn as im new to this completely ????? --- may i know the coaching institute which takes class for this in Chennai ???????? ---- My final question is , is the notes from brillian tutorial i bought is better enough to prepare for optional subjects or still books needed , if so may i have those list plz ??????


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ifyou were required to organize a team & execute the mountain climbing task & execute the mountain climbing task,where would you like to be ?& why what all the activities you would take responsibility ??


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how do you plan any event ? such as preparing for a competetive examination